“Growing Clean”
The planet is running out of farmable land, and to feed the 8 billion people living on it, we need to reimagine our food systems. Plenty’s indoor vertical farms are helping agriculture grow up — using less water and less land to grow nearly 350X more produce per acre than conventional farms. With crops grown in a clean environment, protected from the outside world, there are no harmful pesticides, so you never have to wash your produce. Growing vertically means Plenty Farms can go anywhere with a little bit of land and water, like urban centers or places where climate change makes agriculture impossible. The scientists and engineers at Plenty have spent a decade developing new technologies needed to change conventional farming into the farms of the future. They’re focused on making a healthy impact on food security while making less of an impact on the environment. That means food that’s grown cleaner for you and cleaner for the whole world.
Growing Clean Website
Plenty was really growing when I came aboard. One of the big asks was to redo the website with their new “growing clean” messaging. So we basically rebuilt it from scratch. we took the existing look Plenty had already developed and worked in all the new messaging behind what growing clean would mean to consumers. from the landing page to the about page, to all the videos and facts sprinkled in, we used this as an opportunity to make something really great.
visit to check it out!
Plenty Instagram
Without a traditional ad spend budget, we had to get the growing clean message out to consumers. so where else do you turn to (besides shelf hangers) but Instagram? so We built a strong Instagram presence through a variety of ig post programming. we shared recipes from food influencers, created plant lab videos that showed the science behind plenty, recognized cultural moments and their ties to agriculture, and, of course, tried to have a little fun as well. our following outpaced any competitor and nearly doubled in my time there. That’s growth!
Give a follow @plenty
Plant Lab Video